Chasing Dudes is Desperate Lame and Pathetic

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 The new “in” thing these days is for women to do all the pursuing. We get to blow up a dude’s phone, show up at his door without provocation, and we get to beg him to take us, turn us out and turn us loose.

Eventually, blue skies permitting, we get him to ball us until we go stupid, dream of dragging him home to meet our parents, and try to convince him a situation of wanton concubinous commitment is to his utmost benefit, under our naive assumption that he’ll grow a pair and actually want more from us somewhere down the line.

And if we get “commitment”, it’s without any basis, an engagement ring, or requited love, much less any inclination on his part to even have to desire the commitment she’s dreaming up for both people.

She does all the convincing and conniving, while he does absolutely nothing but get all that’s easily become his. Why? Because today’s society says we get to do it all, along with the careers, the cooking and cleaning, and the outstanding blow jobs, we get to chase men faster than our legs can run, while the men get to lay back and watch us work.

The women’s sexual revolution tells us that there are no rules anymore. No more clear definite lines, and we get to be out there working alongside men, doing what they do. We get to find dudes, have sex, and get the eff out of Istanbul, Turkey without any need to feel obligated or even feel like crap.

We also get to move in with them (if we’re “lucky”), propose to them while they tell us no, and be indifferent to their “unwillingness” to take it to the next level because WE CAN AND SHOULD - simply because it’s allowed and completely acceptable. We’re okay with all of that because it’s our right.

It’s also become our right to be as desperate, as lonely and as miserable as we want.

I hate to admit it, but men have become a bit jaded and disillusioned with women who are all too willing to swing from their nuts. They are bored with ass strewn out all over the place and bewildered with the same libidinous crap that ends up going nowhere. Women don’t hold out anymore just as much as men no longer feel inspired. They’re rather jerk themselves and look at porn than be in a relationship.

Being pursued by a haggish female aggressor doesn’t give a man any sense of self-identification as far as what role he should play. Since she’s doing all the work, what should he do?

He gets to sit there and feel unchallenged, unmotivated and downright bored. And some of them even get to feel swoll from the neck up with some high points baller status ego crap because these are the kind of men most women will chase. Women LOVE to chase and give it up to men who won’t do jack shit, in bed or out.

I understand that women should “chase” a little too. After all, we have to let a guy know we want him and want more out of him, otherwise he wouldn’t really know what he can get from us. But we are STILL WOMEN and we get to choose. Why should we chase when the choice is ours?

Here’s why chasing dudes is a rotten dog crap burrito tightly wrapped up in paper pack:

You and your vag are NOT your first priority.

When you chase a man, that’s telling him you don’t really have a whole lot of other options, when in fact, the opposite should be true.

You have a puss, yet you have resorted to using it as some sort of free passive hole that needs a good plugging. EVERY WOMAN HAS A PUSS and yours isn’t any sweeter, shinier or more sexilicious than the next girl’s, and when you readily give it without putting forth any effort or discipline into keeping it to yourself, that means your puss is all you really have to give.

You’re not holding out for something that’s truly what you want when you f*ck the first thing that shows up, and it says you’re willing to latch onto the first guy who’ll take the jump, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU CHASE.


In the entire history of mankind, WOMEN HAVE NEVER HAD TO BEG FOR SEX. A woman begging for sex is like a rich alcoholic begging for someone to buy him a drink. Seems a bit absurd to beg a man to f*ck us when we can get f*cked any time we want.

You don’t have any pride or self-love when you have to go out and chase dudes to get laid because it says that you have trouble getting laid otherwise. And any woman with half an ounce of sexual appeal who can’t go out and get laid means there’s something gone terribly terribly wrong somewhere.

It says…. Sucks to be you.

You are the one who is powerless, not powerful.

How much work is actually involved in going out and getting a man to lay you out like a used up cheap Las Vegas style stacked deck of tore up playing cards? NONE REALLY.

All you have to do is get dressed, throw on some makeup, head out to the nearest sleazy dive bar and with 1/10 of the motivation, you can get a dude to bring you home, f*ck you sideways for 5 minutes and watch him treat you like dog crap, all in the amount of time it takes that adds up to less than what was required for you to meet.

You were “powerful” in your attempt to go out, land a man and get balled, but you were powerless in the fact that he cut out and didn’t care, left you hanging, and didn’t even give you what you needed. Yet, he got off and you got squat.

Most of all you got jipped. You thought you were at the peak of your game when you got your swerve on because you needed to get laid. And you did, much like all those before you. And you are now just another nameless notch on some dude’s belt, whose been balling chicks all up and down the Washington coastline. You thought you were legendary and powerful, yet you were just another wet hole, who has done for him everything every girl before you has done, and has been unable to live down. Especially when you end up accidentally preg, sore from the clit to the tubes, and empty from the waist up.

Where’s the power in that?

Power isn’t running out and f*cking until your brain melts up all the logic and seeps like blood out of your ears. Power is self-discipline to get yours on with someone YOU LIKE, not someone you hope will like you back. Not someone you hope will stick around when there’s nothing left to keep him interested.

Someone that YOU choose carefully, not readily and easily.

I have a problem with today’s standards and I know that I’m not alone. However, I also know that my philosophies are not everyone’s cup of tea.

However, it doesn’t sit well with me that more women are single now than ever before, and more and more of them are just as unhappy with being single as there are men out there trying to find a decent girl. A girl who hasn’t spread her legs for every man out there this side of Mexico simply because SHE CAN.

Bottom line is, women today simply aren’t satisfied. Even less so than they are “free” to lead a precarious lifestyle in the hope they will find someone to love eventually.

Do yourselves a favor and never run out and chase men for sex. Why? Because you don’t have to.

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