5 Lame Reasons Why Guys Always Want Nude Pics

The Female Marriage Proposal

Don't Play the Victim When You're the One Who Picked Him

It's Okay To Be Needy

A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy

Chasing Dudes is Desperate Lame and Pathetic

I also understand you’re talking about from a child’s POV. Here’s the thing with that: What damages children is NOT the house they grew up in, because I can promise you there ARE homes with more than two loving and caring parents, all providing resources to that child. The problem arises with the way that relationship is viewed by people not friggin’ in it. THEY are the ones that judge, THEY are the ones that tell children something is wrong with them, with their parents. That same argument, that the relationship “degrades moral and social fabrics” and is harmful to children, is the EXACT SAME ONE against gay marriage. I explicitly DO NOT subscribe to either. I think happy, loving, homes produce happy, loving kids. We can choose to celebrate that… or not.


Finally – as far as the sexual revolution of the ‘60s goes? Yeah, no. As Nathan points out, it resulted in more contraception, more safety, more education. More freedom of sexual expression – and more freedom for women, period. But, of course, I totally get where you’re both coming from on that point too: with that increase in sexual freedom comes increased RESPONSIBILITY. Obviously. And, equally obviously, there are those that ignore that responsibility – but it doesn’t mean we ALL do. Or that having a lot of sex means you’re irresponsible (… walking the fine line to slut-shaming…) To the contrary, if you ask me. Plus, it’s far more convoluted than that. Part of the problem is one, the fact that we STILL don’t have enough education and access to family planning across the board – and this is something that’s socially and racially based (it’s a twisted twisted web I tell you!). And I think I’ve said too much already so… I better not get started on another topic… Yikes!

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